Sunday, July 30, 2017

Three figures by Pablo Gargallo,

Three figures by Pablo Gargallo, sold at sell off in London for 1, 2 million

Originating from the Spanish accumulation Várez Fisa, they were offered yesterday in one of the British home office of Christie's.

Mariano García08/12/2016 at 06:00


•             Art

•             Pablo Gargallo Museum

•             London

'La tragédie', a remarkable piece made by Gargallo around 1915.
"" "

Pablo Gargallo's work was yesterday one of the stars of the bartering 'From Ancient to Modern: A Distinguished Private Collection " held at one of Christie's central command in London. The session was sorted out with reserves from the Várez Fisa gathering and had a few stellar pieces that found no purchaser, for example, a 'San José with El Niño' by Murillo (with 3.5 million euros of leave value); 'Puerto de Bermeo', by Luis Paret (1.4 million) and 'La charidad de Santo Tomás de Villanueva' by Zurbarán (351,000).

The three bits of Gargallo, be that as it may, found purchaser, and at a similar cost each, 401,016 euros . It is the veil of 'La tragédie', an 'Espagnole à la mantille' and 'Kiki de Montparnasse' . The initial two are one of a kind pieces and the last one the craftsman performed three evidences of creator and seven duplicates.

The high cost accomplished by the works of the Aragonese stone carver did not amaze yesterday Rafael Ordonez Fernandez , one of the fundamental pros in his work. "He is one of the principal craftsmen of the twentieth century," he stated, "he passed on youthful and couldn't have done a broad work, there are relatively few chips away at the market and the three pieces that were unloaded are imperative. Are one of a kind pieces, another is significant and all have a place with its best inventive minute ".

From 'Kiki de Montparnasse', Ordonez Fernandez stressed that "it is a figure that has had a ton of fortune, both among pundits and authorities ." It is the special case that Gargalló demonstrated, to be melded later, utilizing the Same strategy that utilized with the cut sheet ". Of 26,5 centimeters of stature, it was dated in 1928 .

The 'Espagnole à la mantille' is a remarkable piece, 46 centimeters high and made by the Aragonese stone worker in 1930. "It is one of those imaginative topics dear to Gargallo," says Ordonez Fernandez, "connected to Spanish culture and its Stereotypes.It was set aside a few minutes when it likewise made picador heads, and from this specific piece made two versions.It has a place with a key phase of its generation.

"Giggling" and 'The catastrophe'

The third and last work, 'La tragédie', has joins with Aragon, and not just on the grounds that it could be found in Zaragoza in the show that was sorted out to Gargallo in the Lonja in 2007. It is, what's more, a business related to another that is In the exhibition hall committed to the stone worker in the Aragonese capital, 'La risa' or 'La comedia'. The two veils were intended to decorate the landmark to the on-screen character Iscle Soler in Barcelona, however the prominent membership that paid for it didn't achieve the coveted figure and wound up making an easier adaptation of it. "Gargallo made it by 1915, not long after coming back from Paris, where he had lived for a long time, and when he started to get commissions in Barcelona, Gargallo started to consolidate vacancy as a sculptural component."

They discovered purchaser, additionally, a couple of oils of Juan de Arellano (568,000) and Tiepolo 'Alejandro and Campaspé in the investigation of Apelles' (850,000).

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" Pablo Gargallo's work was yesterday one of the stars of the closeout " From Ancient to Modern: A Distinguished Private Collection "held at one of Christie's settings in London. The session was sorted out with stores from the Várez Fisa gathering and had a few stellar pieces that found no purchaser, for example, a 'San José with El Niño' by Murillo (with 3.5 million euros of leave value); 'Puerto de Bermeo', by Luis Paret (1.4 million) and 'La charidad de Santo Tomás de Villanueva' by Zurbarán (351,000).

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" Pablo Gargallo's work was yesterday one of the stars of the bartering " From Ancient to Modern: A Distinguished Private Collection "held at one of Christie's scenes in London. The session was sorted out with reserves from the Várez Fisa gathering and had a few stellar pieces that found no purchaser, for example, a 'San José with El Niño' by Murillo (with 3.5 million euros of leave value); 'Puerto de Bermeo', by Luis Paret (1.4 million) and 'La charidad de Santo Tomás de Villanueva' by Zurbarán (351,000).

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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Simple and Cheap Chicken Recipes 503


Simple chicken wings

o             30 minutes

o             4 servings

alitas de pollo partidas y sin la punta, ajos separada y sin pelar, sal, pimienta con limón (se vende en el supemercado como condimento), aceite de oliva

Esther Ruiz

Chicken with potatoes and peppers

pollo, daddies, pimientos rojos, amarillos y verdes, ajo picado, cebollas, pimenton de la vera, sal


Pork slashed poblano chicken

o             2-3 individuals

pechugas de pollo en cubos, chica de elote amarillo, cebolla en juliana, Chile poblano tatemado, brócoli en trozos pequeños, ajo, media crema, mantequilla

Aby Rangel

Fiery nectar chicken

pechugas deshuesadas y cortadas en cubos, harina, huevos, miel, Catsup, salsa picante, aceite, agua

Laurita Garza

Tijuana style broil chicken

o             2 hours

o             8 servings

muslo y pierna de pollo marinado con:, repollofinamente picado, sal de ajo, pimienta, jugo de naranja common, para la ensalada :, mazo de cilantro finamente picado, tomate finamente picado


Spaguetti with chicken and rajas 😊

o             45 min.

o             6 people

pechuga de pollo cortada en fajitas, Spaguetti, chiles poblanos limpios, granos de elote, crema, cebolla picada en cuadritos ó rebanadas, mantequilla, cdita. aceite

Furious zoyla

Chicken with rajas poblaas

o             60 minutes

o             6 servings

pechuga de pollo, chiles poblanos, cebollas medianas, elotes, crema, mantequilla, sal

Interpretation and Localization

Chicken soup with corn and moringa.

o             a hour

o             4 servings

pechuga de pollo, cebolla, ajo, elotes desgranados, hojas de moringa, sal, queso blanco cortado en cubitos


Mole container with chicken and mushrooms

pollo, sin piel, consomé Knorr Suiza, consomé Knorr Suiza, cebolla, Mole:, chiles guajillo con todo y semillas, chiles de árbol, ajos

Interpretation and Localization

Lemon chicken wings with fine herbs.

o             a hour

o             4 servings

de alitas de pollo, limones jugo y ralladura de uno, hierbas finas, aceite vegetal, Finas hierbas. Romero, salvia, tomillo, pimienta, Orégano, todo muy pero muy picado, agua

Proficient working capability

Chicken empanadas with potatoes

pechuga de pollo cocida, chile cuaresmeño en rajas, polvo para hornear, aceite, agua necesaria, minsa, de bolsa de harina de trigo, cebolla

Angelica Medina

Simple Crispy Chicken

pechuga de pollo en fajitas, grande de Doritos del sabor que te agrade, salsa Valentina, doritos grandes (del sabor que te agrade), salsa Valentina


Chicken with cuts...

pechuga grande, de pollo, leche fresca, aceite, cebolla grande, chiles poblanos, sazonador Chef Merito, para la crema:, crema agria


Patzcuaro style broil chicken

o             40 minutes

o             4 individuals

pollo entero, limpio, abierto en mariposa de no más 1,500 gr, para la marinada, jugo de naranja agria, limones (el jugo), aceite de oliva, sal gruesa, pimienta recién molida, ajo

Qandy LM

Chicken with potatoes in chipotle cream 😋

o             60 minutes

crema, chipotles, de doble queso, cilantro, ajo, cebolla, sal

Toño Morales

Broiled chicken and steamed vegetables

o             20 minutes

o             2 servings

pechuga en tiras, brocoli, coliflor, zanahorias, champiñones, mezcla italiana de hierbas, sal, pimienta

Alexi Morales

Pork hacked chicken

o             50 minutes

o             5 servings

pechuga de pollo, consomé de pollo, chiles poblanos grandes, cebolla blanca, elotes, mediacremas, mantequilla la necesaria, sal

Malu Sanz

Chicken with Rajas and Cream

o             30 minutes

o             2 servings

pechuga de pollo cocina y deshebrada, chiles poblanos asados y pelados, cebolla en juliana, mantequilla, salsa magui, media crema de 250 ml, aceite de oliva

Patricia Martinez

Marinated cooked chicken

o             50 minutes

o             4 servings

pollo entero, limones (el jugo), cebolla grande, ajo, pimienta negra, mostaza, chica aceite, salpimentar

Gin @

Lemon chicken

o             180 minutes

o             4 servings

Pollo con o sin piel, Jugo de Limón, Sal de Grano, Pimienta negra molida, Orégano, Chile Chipotle adobado, Zanahorias cortadas en rodajas gruesas, Cebollas Cambray